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Kristen Stuppy, MD

Tame the Triggers: Less stress for you and your whole family

Updated: Apr 2, 2021

Family life can be stressful on a good day!

Mix in a few parts ADHD, a pandemic, and a other key ingredients, and you can have a HOT MESS!

Join Diane Dempster, Educator, Parenting Coach and Recovering Yelling Mom to discover the real reason things are so tense right now, and what you can do about it!

Diane Dempster is a professional coach, speaker, and educator with over 20 years of corporate leadership experience. The co-Founder of® (Now ImpactParents) , co-creator of Sanity School®, and co-author of "Parenting ADHD Now!" she provides training, coaching and support for parents and educators. Through ImpactParents, Diane helps parents access the best resources, training, and coaching so they, too, can find their answers. An experienced leader, an expert in change management, and all-around life-sherpa, Diane helps clients create deep, sustaining change and open their eyes to life. And no one needs this more than parents of complex kids.

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